Healing Intimacy – in love and relating

One-to-one & Group Therapy Sessions

  • Do you long for deep love, intimacy and belonging but find that reactivity and/or fears show up as you get closer to your potential life partner?
  • Have you ever started wondering whether you seek sexual experiences without intimacy even though it leaves you ultimately unfulfilled?
  • Do you ever question how to heal intimacy in love and relating, or have you decided to avoid them, altogether, because they have proven just too hazardous for you?

For most humans there is nothing more gratifying than feeling a deep sense of intimate connection to another human being. Often this experience goes hand in hand with a feeling of coming home also to our own deepest and innermost nature. A safe and delicious resting in the arms of our beloved, paired with contact to our true heart. But for many of us such experiences are all too rare.

When old wounds caused by developmental or relational trauma, or simply not  having had enough examples of healthy intimacy to learn from, get in the way of our relating it can mean much stress, pain and lostness around relating in its many forms.

In this situation some of us might choose to just get by on minimal and highly controlled contact because it seems the only safe way. Others rapidly cycle through often painfully disconnected relationships whilst again others just stay and “make do” in unfulfilling pairings in which true intimacy within the relating is missing. Our relationships might keep on repeating patterns, failing on increasingly familiar points, and we know something is not working.

When relational health returns, when the capacity for intimacy and contact-fullness is restored, the change in life experience often feels like an unexpected gift. We might notice the changes in much increased calmness where previously was pain, confusion and physical upheaval. 

In the calmness and increased consciousness we might find we can meet others from an entirely new place. Here we might find a new sense of strength, playfulness, depth and ultimately a deep love for ourselves, others and creation at large. Live energy can flow again. Many experience this as a sense of being at home in their body, and within their relationships in this world.

How can such healing of our capacity for intimacy happen when it has been profoundly disturbed?

Most people are learning, growing and healing in the field of intimacy through their normal life and relational experiences throughout their lifetime. Love relationships, despite the pain they might harbour, are often a key place of healing. Some of us however, choose to seek specific guides and therapeutic support in order to either heal more difficult breakages, resolve trauma or simply because they desire a deeper and/or faster change.

In this part of my work I offer such guidance in a very deep and focused relational work in which you can explore and restore your capacity to be intimate, its fullness, depth, safety, power, enjoyment, aliveness and embodiment.  

You’re welcome to contact me directly for a free 20 minute consultation at:



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What does the work look like?

I work directly with different forms of contact and emotional experience of intimacy in one-to-one sessions or in group settings. The work takes place in person or can happen on Skype, should meeting in London not be possible.

My role in the one-to-one sessions is entirely determined by what you bring and what themes you want to explore. Based on your questions my offer is to guide the exploration of our healing-centred exchange. I bring a clear, safe, contact-full and heart-centred capacity to our work in order to support you to re-learn or strengthen capacities of intimacy and contact you might feel have been compromised by your past experiences.

Core to the work is to support your personal agency which allows you to increasingly take charge of your needs and negotiate all aspects of closeness, contact, capacity for love and connection. I endeavour to provide you with an honest, safe and emotionally available exploration partner and inspired guide on this healing exchange.

The majority of this work is in the field often referred to as “emotional intimacy”- The sense we have of contact not dependent on physical touch and/or sexual exchange. Some trauma or intimacy healing work needs skilled supportive physical non-sexual touch as an important healing component. If we both feel this would be of benefit to you and you would like it we include touch in the session in order to help you to reconnect to your body and support nervous system regulation.

Initial Consultation offer:

As intimacy is a vast field and hence the requirements of clients are so individual and multi-faceted, I invite you to discuss your specific wishes with me in an initial free 20 minute telephone conversation. Here we can check what this work can offer to you and answer your questions. 


One to one sessions:

With Stephan (London and Skype) email: stephan@nullessential-embodiment.org

Price: £60-£120 per session depending on your income and session duration.

I offer also couples work in groups or one-to-one. If interested please register your interest by e-mailing me at:


Find out more about Stephan and the way he works HERE.